Cats Can Develop Oral Cancer, Too

Oral cancer is often seen as the ailment of smokers and drinkers. Your cat is not a smoker, and they shouldn't be drinking alcohol, either—but like any human, they may be at risk for oral cancer. As a responsible cat owner, it's important to know about the signs and symptoms of oral cancer so you can get your cat the proper treatment if needed. What are the signs of oral cancer in cats? [Read More]

2 Tips For Caring For Your Dog After They Are Spayed Or Neutered

Getting your dog spayed or neutered is something that is very important if you don't plan on breeding them. This stops your animals from mating and creating more puppies than there are enough homes for. The process of getting your dog spayed and/or neutered is a very routine one, and you can simply schedule the appointment with a veterinarian at a place like Caring Hands Animal Hospital. The surgery is a day surgery, so you will be able to drop your pet off in the morning and pick them up later that same day. [Read More]

Is Your Cat Suffering from Dental Disease?

Cats are defined as predators, and you can see this in the shape of their teeth, which are designed to tear apart meat. No matter how adorable you think your cat is chasing treats and sitting on your lap, it relies on its sharp teeth to eat and hunt. For this reason, caring for their teeth is one of the most significant things you can do as a cat owner. [Read More]

Urinary Tract Disease In Cats: 4 Signs Your Cat Has A Problem

Cats who have any sort of problem along their lower urinary tract, such as infection, stones, and blockages, are usually diagnosed with a general condition referred to as feline lower urinary tract disease or FLUTD. Urinary problems in cats can be very serious—some cases are even life threatening. Even the cases that aren't life threatening, however, are very difficult for owners to deal with. In many cases, the disease is persistent and recurring, which can get frustrating and expensive. [Read More]